Monday, August 6, 2007

Celexa And Cymbalta As Anxiety Treatments

Stress and anxiety have become such an integral part of modern urban life, and it is no wonder that the market now is riddled with numerous drugs designed to lower these all-too-common human problems. It is not exaggeration to say that most people living and working in the city, particularly those climbing up the government bureaucracy or the corporate ladder, have had to take a “chill pill” or two.

The fact is, with the modern world's focus on success and the “bottom line,” the average Joe always lacks the time to unwind and vent. Some,with utter resignation, would just point to the mysterious signs on the back of the US dollar and understand why they have to be “slaves” even in the 21st century.

Of course, this particular situation is a veritable goldmine for folks who make the aforementioned “chill pills.” Stress, fear, anxiety, and whatever else might fit into their category all have a drug or two that is designed to help deal with the effects. These drugs, which often tackle certain chemical transmitters in the central nervous system, can sometimes be made to target a number of conditions at once. However, it is generally more common to see drugs that target either specific or related conditions.

A prime example of this would be Cymbalta, an anti-anxiety and anti-depression drug. While by no means an obvious choice, Cymbalta for anxiety is gaining ground for being an effective medication for dealing with anxiety problems. Recent studies have shown that using Cymbalta for anxiety disorders is on the increase, though it is not quite as obvious a choice as cymbalta use for depression. This is likely due to the availability of more prominent medications that are on the forefront, whereas cymbalta for anxiety treatment is relatively new.

Celexa anxiety medication is also gaining ground in terms of commercial use and doctor-preference. Celexa anxiety treatment also works by targeting the central nervous system but the set of neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain are different. Celexa anxiety drugs have not been found to have any noticeable or significant effects on other psychological disorders, though research is still being conducted in this regard. Celexa anxiety prescriptions are really no more frequent than other potential anxiety treatments, though there are several patient testimonials that attest to the efficacy of celexa anxiety pills.

Of course, celexa anxiety and cymbalta for anxiety are not the only anti-anxiety medications on the market. There are still several other drugs out there, with similarities and differences from the examples mentioned above. A vast majority of them affect the chemical component of the central nervous system, which is believed to be the non-mental root of most anxiety-related disorders.

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TEST ANXIETY: A Silent Epidemic among Children

Every year, millions of students come face to face with a recurring problem that seems to haunt them more than the proverbial “monster under the bed.” This persistent challenge has been called by academicians and behavioral experts as ---- test anxiety.

This form of school-related stress hounds the kindergarten pupil as much as the Ivy League scholar. Test anxiety is when a student becomes so nervous about taking an examination that he can no longer perform well. This is actually a type of performance anxiety that prevents a student from reading and writing the right answers to a test. Sometimes, a little anxiety can serve as a motivation for a student to prepare and study harder for an upcoming examination. But if it already creates a paralyzing effect and disrupts daily routine, it may already be a case that must be referred to the academic supervisor or to the school psychologist.

How do our children get test anxiety in the first place?

Among the most common reasons for getting “school stress” is the student's lack of discipline and preparation. Knowing that insufficient or no preparation was made to satisfactorily hurdle an examination, a student would naturally feel nervous about taking the test.

Another cause of test anxiety is the inappropriate content or level of difficulty of a test. Using the principles of learning, a teacher cannot force a student to learn a specific body of knowledge or learning content that is usually reserved for higher academic levels. The frustration and difficulty of learning a specific lesson may end up discouraging the student.

Sometimes, the high expectations of parents can also lead to stress in children. Being young, children also need to play and have fun. An exaggerated emphasis on academics may leave your child feeling left out of games other children play. Too much study may also drive children to eventually disdain the tough of going to school and taking exams.

So what can parents do to help their children cope with test anxiety?

First, parents should set regular study periods so that their children do not “cram” for the exams.

Second, parents must monitor the test results without nagging their children about the scores. The act of questioning them about how well they did in the exam may only cause more test anxiety.

Third, it is best for parents to regularly meet with teachers to find out the real score on how their children perform in school.

Indeed, school should be fun and it must be the last place for our children to have fear. It should be a place of adventure where they can express themselves without nervousness...where every test would be a chance to show their knowledge, skills, talents --- without any concern except to do their very best.

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Genes and weight loss pills

Ever wonder why people try to lose weight by dieting and weight training and only see minimal results? What are they doing wrong? Medical specialists believe that genes play a major factor in this losing weight. These specialists believe that genes determine one's body type. Some body types contain more body fat than others and vice-versa. They believe that everyone has inherited and specific body types. Body types have been categorized into three basic categories: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

Body types elaborated

The ectomorph body is tall and thin. This body can be distinguished by light bones and small muscles. Studies show ectomorphs encounter difficulty gaining weight and body mass no matter how hard they train or even if they eat the right food. Some see it as a blessing, others see it as a disadvantage. Other noticeable physical qualities of an ectomorph include a slightly built body, flat chest, and small shoulders. People with this kind of body usually have low body fat. These people may experience difficulty in terms of weight gain and muscle development.

The endomorph body, on the other hand, is round and soft. People with this body type carry more fat in their body. Their body weight and body fat refuse to drop no matter how hard they exercise and diet, which can be attributed to metabolic problems. According to researchers, endomorphs produce too much insulin as they metabolize carbohydrates. When this happens, fat storage is increased and difficulty in losing existing fat occurs. This is the reason why weight loss is extremely difficult for endomorphs. These people may take prescription weight loss pills and still notice minimal or no weight loss at all.

The mesomorph body is generally muscular and short. The mesomorph possess toned muscles and huge bones. Specialists believe that people with this kind of body tend to develop muscle mass when they do strength training because of high muscle growth rate and high proportion of muscle growth tissue.

The best weight loss pills may fail

Healths specialists claim that no matter how hard people workout, eat the right kind of food, or seek medication some people may never lose their flabs. When people seriously and earnestly try to lose weight yet still fail, it may be their genetics that is working against them. They may even take diet pills and fail. For some people, being fat is just a “genetic fact” of life.

It is important to understand that one's weight and body fat percentage is not necessarily the measure of one's health. Poor diet and lack of exercise may be the more serious causes of health problems rather than the mere presence of flab.

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Natural Weapons to Win the Battle of the Bulge

Weight loss is one of the common issues faced by thousands if not millions of people today. It is now such a serious health concern that pharmaceutical companies race against each other to churn out the “most effective, fastest weight loss pill” in the world. As the “Battle of the Bulge” rages on, hundreds of brands of weight loss pills have been deployed in the market to meet the demand from an ever growing market. These pills come in different shapes, sizes, and prices. A quick visit to the local pharmacy will get you confused over the sheer array of pound-beating concoctions such the cheap over-the counter slimming pills, herbal pills, and, of course, the prescription weight loss pills that can only be bought with prior approval from a doctor. Regardless of brand or classification, all these weight loss pills promise to make the consumer lose those unwanted pounds in only a short matter of time. Some of the more safety-conscious consumers trying to lose weight have turned to herbal remedies believing that these products have absolutely no side effects. But many forget that the term “natural” does not necessarily mean “safe.” Some of weight loss products out in the market have yet to receive the FDA's seal of approval.


Green Tea Extract and Ephedra are two of the most common ingredients found among so-called natural herbal weight loss pills. According to experts, ephedra is effective and efficient as a short-term weight loss preparation. The said ingredient helps decrease one's appetite, and thus, reduce the amount of calorie intake that must be controlled by any weight watcher. This substance however, can be hazardous because of its side effects. Studies show that moderate adverse effects of ephedra may include irritability, diarrhea, nervousness, insomnia, vomiting , and headache. High doses of ephedra may increase blood pressure that could possibly cause cardiac rhythm disorders. Seizures and even death are also probable yet rare outcomes of unregulated use of ephedra.

Green Tea Extract

Research shows that green tea extract is rich in polyphenols, from which are derived substances called catechins. Catechins are antioxidants that are found in coffee and have been proven to increase calorie and fat metabolism while decreasing appetite. Additional studies claim that consumption of tea containing green tea extract may help fight heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. Still, overconsumption of this tea have also been associated with several side effects. Mild side effects that may occur while taking green tea or green tea extract are vomiting, ingestion, and diarrhea. Caffeine in this type of tea may also cause irritability, restlessness, and sleeping problems. While moderate consumption of green tea may produce beneficial outcomes, it is, however, not advised for consumption by pregnant women.

Healthy lifestyle

Perhaps the best and safest way to trim down is by having a balanced diet, staying physically active, and by making sure you have adequate amount of rest. A healthy lifestyle is still the best weight loss pill, a way of living that should never be taken for granted. Although there are herbal medicines and a host of other so-called “wonder drugs” out in the market, not all of them are actually side-effect free. As a rule, one should always know everything there is to know about a slimming product or a prescribed weight loss pill. Before you try to lose weight, always make sure that you have the right and complete information.

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Doctors, Doctor...I am Sick

When a loved one is sick, who do we run to? Who you gonna call? Nope! Not the Ghost busters! Of course, It is always a standard procedure to see your family doctor if you think and feel that there is something wrong with you or anyone in the family. Doctors and other health professionals, who have the right training and acquainted with our medical histories, are the only experts to whom we can entrust our health issues and concerns.

We visit a doctor if we feel that something is physically bothering us, if we are sick. More importantly, we seek their advice regarding what suitable and safe medications we can take to get us back on the road to recovery. Taking medicines is a serious matter that is not left to chance or decided upon with little or not information. Taken without the proper prescription and supervision of qualified professionals, we might even end up doing more harm to ourselves.

We know that certain illnesses can only be cured or treated by using specifically designed medications. One such condition is called Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety medication, if properly used, can help a patient calm down and find relief from other troubling symptoms. There are a number of effective anti-anxiety medications currently available in the market.

Antidepressants are the most common choice among individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Preferred medications such as Valium, Zanax, Lexapro and Ativan are the most common anti depressants known today. Aside from these medicines, there are also some forms of therapy which are also recommended in treating this disorder.

But one of the more efficient ways to help ease the symptoms of this disorder is actually by having a talk with your physician to discuss the progress of your treatment and the effects of the medicine prescribed for you.

It really helps to have an open mind since it takes a lot of faith on your part to accept and follow the advice of the doctor, who, more often than not, is a stranger to you. If you feel suspect that may be suffering from an anxiety disorder, be honest to tell your doctor about it.

Here are some helpful tips on what to discuss with your doctor and what to ask about your medications:

· Let your doctor know about all the medications you are taking, including prescribed and over-the-counter (OTC) medications, vitamins, and dietary or herbal supplements.

· Ask your doctor all the information you need when you are given a new medication. Should you avoid any food? How will the medication help you?

· Make sure you know when and how to take the medications. Ask for specific instructions.

· Ask what side effects of the prescribed medications you should expect. Ask the doctor what to do if you develop any side effects.

· Find out how long it will take for the medication to take effect and what to expect when the medication starts working.

· Ask for the doctor's contact details just in case he cannot be reached at his or her office.

Another source of information regarding questions about your medications are pharmacists. These professionals should provide you essential information on your prescriptions, which can include the generic name, alternatives and price range for the said prescribed drugs.

Discussing the merits and effects of taking medication with a physician is a must-do before taking any drug to vital tool to alleviate symptoms of anxiety disorders. It is important to have a thorough discussion with your doctor before you start to take any medication. Monitoring and constant evaluation of the effects of your medicine is needed to determine the efficacy of your prescription. In short, talking to your doctor is as important as the act of taking your daily dose of medicine. So, the next time you encounter problems or need answers to very important questions about your medications, you know “who you gonna call.”

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